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The undersigned taxpayer(s) authorize the Town of South Bruce Peninsula to debit my/our bank account (please see attached void cheque) in payment of property taxes levied against this roll number.I/we understand that this program will be continued for subsequent years unless otherwise notified in writing by the Town that the program has been cancelled, or until such time as we revoke our participation in this program by providing written notice of 15 days to the Town.I/we acknowledge that any bank-dishonoured payment due to non-sufficient funds will besubject to an administration fee set out by Town policy for dishonoured items, plusapplicable late penalties.
Plan 1: Monthly Budget Plan withdrawn on the 10th day of each month.Payments will be reviewed twice a year.
Plan 2: Due Date Plan. A debit in the amount stated on the tax bill may be drawn onthe bank account on the installment due dates as established by municipal by-law.
Recourse StatementYou have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. Forexample, you have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized oris not consistent with this PAP Agreement. To obtain more information on your recourserights, contact your financial institution or visit: www.cdnpay.caDuty to NotifyPlease notify the Town in writing if your mailing address changes, banking details change oryou are selling the property.
It is acknowledged by the undersigned that delivery of this Authorization to the Town of South Bruce Peninsula constitutes delivery by the undersigned to the above noted financial institution. It is warranted by the undersigned that the person whose signature is required to sign on the above roll number has signed this authorization.
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